A first in many spaces Selika Josiah Talbott is known by her colleagues as an influential agent for positive change who leads with confidence and approaches the most difficult and complex challenges with perseverance and a commitment to success.
As the Founder and CEO of Autonomous Vehicle Consulting Selika is a leading industry voice for responsible investment, engagement, and preparation for New Mobility including robot delivery, autonomous and electric vehicles, and self-driven freight. Selika has demonstrated her strengths while advising and directing organizations during this transformational time. Selika earned her J.D. from Hofstra Law School.
She received a B.A. in Political Science from SUNY at Stony Brook. She began her career as a litigator in NYC representing an International Fast-Food chain in Product Liability defense and served as their downstate counsel. She also handled litigation for Vehicle Manufacturers in defense of their products in manufacturing and/or design defect cases. Later as the head of her own firm, she represented individuals in criminal defense cases from Municipal Court to the United States District Court.
Selika served as the Deputy Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Commission for the State of New Jersey as a Gubernatorial appointee. This included a staff of 1800 people and a budget of $200 million dollars with operational oversight of the entire state agency. She provided stable leadership, overhauling the state license plate, drivers’ license, road test, reentry programs, and inspections programs as well as negotiations with the Unions. Most recently Selika served at the U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration as the Senior Advisor to the Administrator. Selika was responsible for Executive Office Operations and served as a Liaison to other Federal and International Agencies. She earned a Certification in Federal Execution Leadership from American University and a Certification in Diversity and Inclusion from Cornell University.